GastroPlus在預測特定人群PK的應用文章 (2011—2020年10月)
導 讀
Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic models for children: Starting to reach maturation?
A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model of Ertapenem in Pediatric Patients With Renal Impairment.
Successful Extrapolation of Paracetamol Exposure from Adults to Infants After Oral Administration of a Pediatric Aqueous Suspension Is Highly Dependent on the Study Dosing Conditions.
Simulation of the Pharmacokinetics of Oseltamivir and Its Active Metabolite in Normal Populations and Patients with Hepatic Cirrhosis Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling.
Development of a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Prediction of Pramipexole Pharmacokinetics in Parkinson's Disease Patients With Renal Impairment.
Ontogeny of Hepatic Sulfotransferases and Prediction of Age-Dependent Fractional Contribution of Sulfation in Acetaminophen Metabolism.
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Evaluate Formulation Factors Influencing Bioequivalence of Metoprolol Extended-Release Products.
Prediction of ticagrelor and its active metabolite in liver cirrhosis populations using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model involving pharmacodynamics.
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Model for Caffeine Disposition in Pregnancy.
Pediatric Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model Development: Current Status and Challenges.
12. 通過PBPK和模型中的虛擬人群考察生理學對曲馬多Tramadol兒科PK預測的影響
PBPK and its Virtual Populations: the Impact of Physiology on Pediatric Pharmacokinetic Predictions of Tramadol.
T’jollyn H, Vermeulen A, Van Bocxlaer J. AAPS J. January 2019, 21:8. IF=3.737
13. 通過整合的PBPK模型,對比達沙替尼Dasatinib不同的兒科用藥制劑的生物等效性,并闡明相應的吸收機制
Bioequivalence comparison of pediatric Dasatinib formulations and elucidation of absorption mechanisms through integrated PBPK modeling.
Vaidhyanathan S, Wang X, Crison JR, Varia S, Gao J, Saxena A, Good D. J Pharm Sci. January 2019 Volume 108, Issue 1, Pages 741–749. IF=3.616
14. 使用酮康唑作為模型藥物的計算機工具在臨床實踐中的應用
Application of in silico Tools in Clinical Practice using Ketoconazole as a Model Drug.
Silva DA, Duque MD, Davies NM, L?benberg R, Ferraz HG. J Pharm Pharm Sci.2018;21(1s):242s-253s. IF=0.69
15. 在評估兒科口服藥品中生物藥劑學的考慮因素-PEARRL綜述
Biopharmaceutical considerations in paediatrics with a view to the evaluation of orally administered drug products – a PEARRL review.
Guimar?es M, Statelova M, Holm R, Reppas C, Symilllides M, Vertzoni M, Fotaki N.J Pharm Pharmacol. 2018 Jul 3. IF=2.571
16. 用于考察普通病人、重癥監護病房和肝功能不全患者的全身生理藥代動力學PBPK模型,以卡泊芬凈Caspofungin為案例
Whole-body physiology-based pharmacokinetics of caspofungin for general patients, intensive care unit patients and hepatic insufficiency patients.
Yang QT, Zhai YJ, Chen L, Zhang T, Yan Y, Meng T, Liu LC, Chen LM, Wang X, Dong YL. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2018 May 31. IF=1.736
17. mTORC1 / 2抑制劑sapanisertib(TAK-228)口服研磨制劑的I期研究:在晚期實體瘤患者中的耐受性和食物效應
Phase I study of the investigational oral mTORC1/2 inhibitor sapanisertib (TAK-228): tolerability and food effects of a milled formulation in patients with advanced solid tumours.
Moore KN, Bauer TM, Falchook GS, Chowdhury S, Patel C, Neuwirth R, Enke A, Zohren F, Patel MR. ESMO Open. 2018 Feb 1;3(2): e000291.
18. 在長期服用厄洛替尼erlotinib的期間,監測在胰腺癌患者中的行為,并與生理藥代動力學PBPK模型的預測結果進行比較
Monitoring of erlotinib in pancreatic cancer patients during long-time administration and comparison to a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model.
Gruber A, Czejka M, Buchner P, Kitzmueller M, Kirchbaumer Baroian N, Dittrich C, Sahmanovic Hrgovcic A. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2018 Apr;81(4):763-771.IF=2.967
19. 考察口服卡馬西平在兒童人群中的吸收
Investigating Oral Absorption of Carbamazepine in Pediatric Populations.
Kohlmann P, Stillhart C, Kuentz M, Parrott N. AAPS J. 2017 Nov;19(6):1864-1877.IF=3.737
20. 用于促進弱堿性藥物制劑處方開發的生物相關性溶出模型,并克服因胃酸分泌過少或胃酸缺乏導致的低生物利用度
Kou D, Dwaraknath S, Fischer Y, Nguyen D, Kim M, Yiu H, Patel P, Ng T, Mao C, Durk M, Chinn L, Winter H, Wigman L, Yehl P. Mol Pharm. 2017 Oct 2;14(10):3577-3587. IF=4.321
21. 開發具有非典型分布行為的藥物的PBPK模型及資質:以地昔帕明為例
Samant T S, Lukacova V, Schmidt S. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 2017. CiteScore=5.2
22. Danirixin鹽型藥物在降低患者群體中的PK變異度因素的識別和表征
Bloomer J C, Ambery C, Miller B E, et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2017, 117: 224-231. IF=4.604
23. 采用計算機模擬了解腎功能損傷對二甲雙胍口服吸收影響的機制
Almukainzi M, Gabr R, Abdelhamid G, et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2017, 47(2): 151-161.
24. 采用機制性吸收模型研究哌甲酯口服緩釋制劑在成人體內的藥動學曲線
Application of Physiologically Based Absorption Modeling to Characterize the Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Oral Extended Release Methylphenidate Products in Adults.
Yang X, Duan J, Fisher.J. PloS one, 2016, 11(10): e0164641. IF=2.74
25. 用于預測更昔洛韋及其前藥纈更昔洛韋在成人和兒童體內行為的生理藥代動力學PBPK模型
A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Ganciclovir and Its Prodrug Valganciclovir in Adults and Children.
Lukacova V, Goelzer P, Reddy M, et al. The AAPS journal, 2016, 18(6): 1453-1463.IF=3.737
26. 通過特定疾病的模型模擬美洛昔康和布洛芬在不同疾病狀態與健康狀況下的PK
Disease specific modeling: simulation of the pharmacokinetics of meloxicam and ibuprofen in disease state vs. healthy conditions.
Almukainzi M, Jamali F, Aghazadeh-Habashi A, L?benberg R. (2016) Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. Jan. 2. IF=4.604
27. 用于兒科腫瘤藥物開發的生理藥代動力學PBPK模型
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Pediatric Oncology Drug Development.
Rioux N, Waters NJ. (2016) Drug Metab Dispos. Mar 2. IF=3.231
28. 使用生理藥代動力學PBPK模型深入了解生理因素對口服藥物在兒童人群中吸收的影響
Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modelling to Gain Insights into the Effect of Physiological Factors on Oral Absorption in Paediatric Populations.
Villiger A, Stillhart C, Parrott N, Kuentz M. (2016) AAPS J. Apr 8. IF=3.737
29. 開發用于預測吲哚美辛在孕婦體內處置的PBPK/PD模型
Development of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model for Indomethacin Disposition in Pregnancy.
Alqahtani S, Kaddoumi A. (2015). PLoS One. Oct 2;10(10). IF=2.74
30. 氧化物酶體增殖物激活受體PPAR的神經保護作用,用于治療帕金森病認知障礙中的PPAR激動劑:行為,生物化學和PBPK預測曲線
Uppalapati D, Das NR, Gangwal RP, Damre MV, Sangamwar AT, Sharma SS. (2014)PPAR Research; Article ID 753587. IF=2.953
31. 模擬胃腸道旁路手術后患者服用二甲雙胍后的吸收
Modelling the Absorption of Metformin with Patients Post Gastric Bypass Surgery.
Almukainzi M, Lukacova V, L?benberg R. (2014) J Diabetes Metab. 5:353.IF=3.099
32. PPAR-β/ d激動劑具有神經保護作用,可減少嚙齒動物帕金森病模型的認知障礙
A PPAR-?/d Agonist is Neuroprotective and Decreases Cognitive Impairment in a Rodent Model of Parkinson's Disease.
Das NR, Gangwal RP, Damre MV, Sangamwar AT, Sharma SS. (2014). Curr Neurovasc Res. Mar 18. IF=1.649
33. 采用簡化的PBPK建模方法,預測主要經腎排泄和CYP3A代謝的四種化合物在妊娠期間的PK
A Simplified PBPK Modeling Approach for Prediction of Pharmacokinetics of Four Primarily Renally Excreted and CYP3A Metabolized Compounds During Pregnancy.
Xia B, Heimbach T, Gollen R, Nanavati C, He H. (2013) AAPS J. Jul 9. IF=3.737
34. 開發奧司他韋基于生理學的模型,并用于模擬在新生兒和嬰兒的PK
Development of a physiologically based model for oseltamivir and simulation of pharmacokinetics in neonates and infants.
Parrott N, Davies B, Hoffmann G, Koerner A, Lave T, Prinssen E, Theogaraj E, Singer T. (2011). Clin Pharmacokinet. 50(9):613-23. IF=4.604
35. 生理藥代動力學PBPK模型:方法論,應用和局限性,重點關注其在兒科藥物開發中的作用
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling: Methodology, Applications, and Limitations with a Focus on Its Role in Pediatric Drug Development.
Khalil F, L?er S.(2011) J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011: 907461. IF=2.276